Do You Have Enthusiasm?

Are you generally an enthusiastic and positive person?  Or are you the glass half empty type? In spite of all the hum-drum things you have to do each day, do you still genuinely love life? Are you glad that today is a new day with new opportunities? Nothing much in life is accomplished without enthusiasm. People who are passionate about something usually get the job done, and inspire others along the way. Enthusiasm will take you places you never thought you could go. Having a passion will help you overcome many obstacles that seem insurmountable. It may surprise you to know that enthusiasm comes from two words, “EN THEOS” which means “IN GOD”. David Hume, a Scottish philosopher and sceptic, went out to hear the famous George Whitfield preach one morning at the unearthly hour of five am. Someone said to him, “Mr. Hume, I thought you didn’t believe the Gospel?” Hume replied, “I don’t, but he does.” Whitfield’s enthusiasm was irresistible.  Jesus too was full of passion. Nothing would stop Him from going to the cross. Jesus said to His disciples about His impending death at Calvary, “Now is my soul troubled and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour.” His mission was going to cost Him everything. He would give His all. His enthusiasm to do His Father’s will, and His passion for your life and mine, made all the difference. No wonder millions around the world love Him and follow Him.

Loving and enjoying what you do makes the task a whole lot easier. 

Yes, life at times can be tough and a bit of a struggle. Unexpected difficulties arise. Things don’t look too rosy from where you are.

Yet, it is still possible to have your spirits lifted in spite of it all.

The Apostle Paul wrote some of his best stuff when life turned tough.

His letters he wrote to churches and an individual when he was in prison, are a testimony to his incredible, positive outlook on life. 

His Prison Epistles, as they are called, have blessed millions around the world. His most joyful one is called The Book of Philippians. The words ‘joy’ and ‘rejoicing’ are mentioned sixteen times in this prison letter. 

His present conditions, not withstanding, didn’t dampen his enthusiasm for Christ and His gospel. In God, he was enthused. Even when Paul and Silas were thrown into jail in Philippi. They never lost their fervour for Christ.     

At midnight they sang praises and prayed unto God. And God shook the jail-house. The Jailer got saved. And along with Lydia and her household, they were the nucleus of the first Christian church in Europe. (Acts 16)

C.H. Spurgeon said, “A blacksmith can do nothing when his fire goes out.”  

Let’s not let our fire go out. 

- Pastor David Goudy