Character or Charisma

What are this world’s values? Who are its heroes? What does it applaud? Who or what are its icons or idols? Some soap star? The next Big Brother winner? In America, a former athlete declares he is a woman and received ‘The Woman of the Year’ award. In Britain, a former boxing manager declares that he too wants to be known as a woman, and he’s called brave, courageous, and is lauded by the liberal media. Look at the soaps for example. When do the ratings go through the roof? When they introduce villains, cross dressers, incest, or some thoroughly nasty womanizer.

Ever notice how actors say the good part is always the bad part? This world doesn’t place much value on virtue, decency, monogamy, integrity or purity. It boasts in pushing the envelope of decency and morality. It actually hates the things God loves and loves the things God hates. It never applauds God’s standards. No wonder the bible writer says, “The carnal mind is enmity against God” (Rom.8:7)

Samuel the prophet said, “Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.” (We assess actions, God assesses inward motives) Today I want to remind you about character.  It’s very important to God, and it’s absolutely vital for us. To God, character is much more important than gifting. It’s even more important than what we do. God is more interested in what we are becoming than what we are doing. In fact, character is more important than anointing.  God puts character way above charisma, anointing, gifting or talents. Samson had charisma and power in abundance but he lacked character.

James and John, in the early days of their discipleship, wanted to call fire down from heaven and burn up Jesus’ detractors. They probably felt they had the power to do it, but they lacked temperament. Jesus had enough power to create the universe but He stooped down to wash His disciples’ feet. The Corinthian Christians were long on Gifts but short on Graces.  

Joseph in Egypt, had both purity and character. He was handsome enough for Potiphar’s wife to desire him, but he was pure enough to resist her. Over the years I have seen the fall of so many great men and women of God. Highly gifted individuals, tremendously anointed, prophetic, talented, and great communicators. But it wasn’t their charisma that failed them, almost without exception it was a character flaw. Wings like eagles but feet of clay. So many fell, not because of their outward signs, but their lack of inner values.  Rom.10:12 “Let him who stands take heed lest he falls”

Thankfully, with God, it doesn’t have to be either Charisma or Character. God can grace us with gifts, and give us character too. You can have both Talent and Temperament. Faith and Works – Gifts and Fruit – Spirit and Word – Vision and Values.  Ps.119:104-5 “Through Your precepts I get understanding; therefore, I hate every false way. You word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”

D.L. Moody “Character is what you are in the dark.”

- Pastor David Goudy