The Wonder of It All

I‘ve been reading a book about the human body. It is incredibly well researched. The author has personally spoken to many doctors, anatomists, and scientists, in their particular fields of expertise.  The author has a knack of simplifying the complicated, so that a novice like me, with no medical training whatsoever, can readily understand it.  He also has a gentle sense of humour that he slips in here and there.  However, there is one annoying thing for me about the book. The author is an obvious evolutionist. Frequently he interjects his evolutionary bias into many of the wonders of the human anatomy. And when he does he invariably sounds foolish.

For example, in his section about the eye, he says that the Victorians thought this to be a marvel of creation and design. (A sly dig about creationists in the Victorian era) He argues that if the eye was such a good creation why is everything back to front in it? Of course, the modern camera uses that same principal of design, and after all, it doesn’t seem such a bad idea, now does it? Then what makes him sound foolish, is that just a few paragraphs later he is extolling the wonder of complexity and marvel of the same human organ. Here and there throughout the book, he comes up with some really daft evolutionary ideas.

For example, he says that there are three tiny bones in the inner ear that could fit on a shirt button. These little bones are indispensable for our hearing. Now that indeed is incredible. A wonder of design. Yet, he then proceeds to say that those three bones, in the long evolutionary process, had migrated from the jawbone to the ear! Says who? What evidence is there of that? So what happened before they migrated? Was everyone deaf? How preposterous.

Isn’t it amazing the lengths men will go to, even to such foolish, unscientific, non-evidentiary assumptions, rather than believe in a Creator God.  Belief in God is a matter of the heart not the head. There is plenty of evidence of God in creation. The very human body he writes about. The wonder of the solar system that surrounds us. The finely balanced universe. All of it is declaring the glory of God. (Psalm 19:1-6)

But Paul nails it when he says in Romans Ch.1:18-32 how men do not want to retain God in their knowledge, but instead suppress it, hold it down. It’s not that they don’t know, it’s that they don’t want to know God. To admit  there is a God means we have to be responsible to God, and that for many will simply never do.

Psalm 14:1 “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God, they are corrupt, that have done abominable works, there is none who does good.”

‘Fool’ here is not lacking in brains. Some of the cleverest men are not the wisest. ‘Fool’ here is perverse, wicked, ungodly, impious.  Many are those who do want to believe God, as it will lead to further questioning of the real meaning of life. 

“Atheists affirm there is no God. Yet they cannot hold this position dogmatically. For us to be able to make this type of statement with authority, we would have to know the universe in its entirety and to possess all knowledge. If anyone had these credentials, then by definition, he would be God.” - Josh McDowell

- Pastor David Goudy