Noblesse Oblige

The French have a saying, ‘noblesse oblige’ which means, ‘nobility obligates.’ Originally it meant those of noble ancestry had an obligation to act honourably and generously towards others less fortunate. 

Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker in Spider-man, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Long before the French and Spider-man came along, Jesus in Luke 12:48 said, “To whom much is given, much will be required.”

All of us are blessed with abilities, talents, gifts, wealth, knowledge and such like. We are expected to use these well to glorify God and help others. The more we have been given, the more we are responsible to bless others who are less well off than ourselves. 

Jesus sent out His disciples with great power to minister unto others. He said in Matt.10:8 “…freely you have received, freely give.”  

There are those whom God has blessed with great wisdom and knowledge, others with great wealth and ability, some with exceptional talents and gifts. Many of these felt the obligation to use their blessings to help the poor, heal the sick, create and invent new things to enrich the lives of multitudes the world over. New medicines, new machines, new designs that were life changing for millions.  

What about you and me? Are we using whatever gifts and abilities we have to enrich the lives of others? Let’s not short-chance ourselves. We often make the excuse that we are just a one talent person. If so, let us not be like the one talent person in the parable Jesus told who hid his talent instead of using it for his master’s honour. (Matthew 25:18) 

“To whom much is given, much will be required.” With privilege comes responsibility and accountability. God hasn’t endowed us with gifts and graces to keep it all to ourselves. The Apostle Paul’s life was transformed by the Christ on the road to Damascus. But he couldn’t keep it to himself. Salvation may be personal, but it’s never meant to be private. He said in 1Corinthians 9:16 (ISV) “For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast about, for this obligation has been entrusted to me. How terrible it would be if I did not preach the gospel.”

You may not be a preacher, but there are thousand ways you can serve the Lord. Whatever gift you have been given use it for God’s glory. The truth is, whatever talents, gifts, possessions we have be given by God, we are stewards of them. One day the Master will ask what we have done with them for His glory. 

 “When the possessor of heaven and earth brought you into being and placed you in this world. He placed you here not as an owner but as a steward.” (John Wesley)

- Pastor David Goudy