Perseverance Pays

Greg Asimakoupoulos tells of a commuter flight from Portland, Maine to Boston. The pilot, Henry Dempsey, heard an unusual noise near the rear of the small aircraft. He turned the controls over to his co-pilot and went back to investigate. As he reached the tail section, the plane hit an air pocket, and Dempsey was tossed against the rear door. He quickly discovered the source of the mysterious noise. The rear door had not been properly latched prior to take off, and it flew open. He was instantly sucked out of the jet. The co-pilot, seeing the red light that indicated an open door, radioed the nearest airport, requesting permission to make an emergency landing. He reported that the pilot had fallen out of the plane, and requested a helicopter search of that area of the ocean. After the plane landed, they found Henry Dempsey – holding on to the outer ladder of the aircraft. Somehow he had caught the ladder, held on for ten minutes as the plane flew 200 mph at an altitude of 4,000 feet, and then, at landing, kept his head from hitting the runway. It took the airport personnel several minutes to pry Dempsey’s fingers from the ladder. ‘Things in life may seem turbulent,” said Asimakoupoulos, “and you may not feel like holding on. But have you considered the alternative?” 

The word persevere comes from the prefix per, meaning through, Coupled with the word severe. It means to keep pressing on, trusting God, looking up, doing our duty – even through severe circumstances. (R. J. Morgan)

Paul said in Romans 5:3-4 that “tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance character.”

Perseverance, persistence, endurance, are words that should be part of our character as believers. Remember the woman with the issue of blood that touched the hem of Jesus garment and was instantly healed? She had been sick for twelve long years. She was physically weak and ceremonially unclean because of her condition. To touch a rabbi in that condition, would render him ceremonially unclean for several days also. But in spite of having to fight her way through the crowd surrounding the Master, in spite of knowing that her action may have got her into trouble, she persevered and got her miracle. Instead of rebuking her, Jesus commended her for her faith. (Mark 5:25-34) Her perseverance paid off. She just wouldn’t quit. 

Winston Churchill said in an address at Harrow School, October 29, 1941: “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to conviction of honour and good sense. Never give in.” He then sat down.

Charles Spurgeon “By perseverance the snail reached the ark”  

- Pastor David Goudy