Finding Blessings in Unexpected Places

There is something particularly pleasing about finding something you weren’t looking for. That old suit in the attic where you found folded money in the inside pocket. That wrong turn you took while out driving that led to a beautiful view you never saw before. Rummaging through the drawers only to come across an old photo of yourself when you were fifteen. Those are just some of the things that bring a smile to your face. 

Saul was out looking for his father’s lost asses. That was all he had in mind. He never thought before that day was over his meeting with Samuel the prophet would be a life changing moment. The last thing he expected to find that day was his calling to be king over Israel. (1 Samuel Ch.9) 

Moses was looking after his father-in-law’s sheep in the wilderness when he was arrested by the sight of a bush burning but not consumed. He never imagined in a million years that God would speak to him from that burning bush, and commission him to be the deliverer of the Israelites held captive in Egypt. (Exodus Ch. 3)

Hagar, Abraham and Sarah’s Egyptian maid, who bore a son to Abraham, was thrown out of the family home and left to wander in the wilderness. She was heartbroken, felt God-forsaken, lost trying to make her way back to Egypt. Then, right there in her despair and with her son Ishmael about to die of thirst, the Angel of the Lord shows up and promises that her son would be a great nation. (All Arabs today count Ishmael as their founding father) (Genesis Ch.21)

Ruth, the Moabitess, returns to Bethlehem with Naomi, her Hebrew mother-in-law. Both by this time were widows, and poor widows at that. They hadn’t two pennies to rub together. Naomi sent Ruth out to the fields at harvest time to follow the reapers. Moses Law allowed the poor to pick up any fallen grains so they could make a meal for themselves. Being a Moabitess she knew she had no status or privileges in Israel. The most she could expect was this charity at harvest time. But little did that poor young Moabite widow know that the very field she gleaned in that day belonged to a relative of Naomi, called Boaz. He just happened to be the wealthiest man in the region. And it was love at first sight for Boaz. He married Ruth and they had a son who became the great-grandfather of King David. She is listed in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke in the linage of Jesus. Talk about finding blessings in unexpected places!

God may have some unexpected surprises in store for you. They can come at the most unexpected time in the most unexpected ways. 

“A hog will eat acorns under a tree day after day, never looking up to see where that came from. Some people are like that – but others are led through their blessings to realise the love of their heavenly Father.” - Charles Allen. 

- Pastor David Goudy